*You’re probably thinking, “Where do I sign up!” *Your mind plots away, “How do I convince my boss that this is healthy and smart and not an actual vacation?” *“How much will this dream workcation cost?” More great news - Juliana’s Hotel is working with you! |
"We couldn't have done a better thing to break up the dreary winter months. Our escape from lockdown measures not only energized us, it also helped us to organize work that kept being pushed out. The time difference with Amsterdam worked in our advantage: it helped us to get up early in the morning, work with our colleagues at home for a few hours, but also gave us a couple of hours of quiet time each day. This made us far more effective than we would have been at home. We can highly recommend a long stay at Juliana's Hotel on Saba. We should have stayed longer!" |
Stayed Dec 18th 2020 - Jan 23rd 2021
"Workcation has been the most rewarding during our stay at Juliana’s Hotel in Saba. We were finally able to break away from Covid-19 since the outbreak. With the ability to work by the pool side with a rum punch in my hand and the wonderful view at Tropics made my workcation the most relaxed I’ve been all year. So much so, that I am returning for another extended stay at Juliana’s Hotel for yet another workcation. Also, can’t forget the morning kisses and hugs by Hermes – Carrington (My pup) and him had the most wonderful time during our stay. Being in Saba feels like home but even more so when we are surrounded by all the love and wonderful people on the Island." |
Stayed Jan 08th - Feb 27th 2021
"Scott and I are loving our extended workcation on Saba. Prior to arriving, our biggest concern was internet connectivity and our ability to continue working effectively. Juliana’s Hotel answered our questions and gave us the confidence to embrace the opportunity. Our experience of working, diving, hiking and living on Covid-19 free Saba for the past five weeks has been wonderful!" |
Vehicles such as buses, trucks carrying hazardous materials, and other large vehicles are required to stop at all railroad crossings, regardless of whether the lights are flashing. Passenger cars must also stop if signs or signals dictate so.
Famous for its ornate Islamic patterns, geometric designs, and calligraphy, these artistic elements can also be found in Emirati jewelry. Many jewelry designers incorporate these motifs into their collections.
يمكن أن تؤدي الحالات الطبية مثل مرض السكري إلى تشقق القدمين. كما أن ضعف الدورة الدموية وتلف الأعصاب يمكن أن يجعل من الصعب على قدميك الشفاء والاحتفاظ بالرطوبة، اسباب تشقق القدمين مما يؤدي إلى تشقق القدمين. تعتبر العناية المنتظمة بالقدمين ومراقبتها من قبل مقدم الرعاية الصحية أمرًا ضروريًا للأفراد الذين يعانون من مثل هذه الحالات.
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We will keep you informed on all the not-to-be-missed events, share reviews on restaurants, bars and activities on Saba. Here you will find information on our exquisite facilities, our wonderful hospitality team and recipes straight from Tropics kitchen.
We will share with you the true spirt of Juliana’s Hotel & Tropics Café.